Giovanni Paolini

Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Bologna

Office I9
Dipartimento di Matematica
Piazza di Porta S. Donato, 5
40126 Bologna BO
GPG public key
Master thesis dissertation

I am an Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Bologna.

I currently conduct research in mathematics, including combinatorics, topology, and group theory, as well as in machine learning, particularly deep learning and natural language processing. For a detailed list of my research topics, please refer to the research page.

My personal interests include programming and games.

Short CV
Since Sep 2023 Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Bologna (Italy)
2019 - 2023 Applied Scientist / Senior Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services and Caltech (Pasadena, US)
Feb - Aug 2019 Postdoc in Mathematics at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
2015 - 2019 PhD in Mathematics at Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy)
Thesis: Topology and combinatorics of affine reflection arrangements
Supervisor: Prof. Mario Salvetti
Feb - May 2017 Visiting student at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
under the direction of Prof. Emanuele Delucchi
2013 - 2015 Master Degree in Mathematics at the University of Pisa (Italy)
Thesis: Discrete Morse theory and the \(K(\pi,1)\) conjecture
Supervisor: Prof. Mario Salvetti
2010 - 2015 Diploma in Mathematics at Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy)
Jan 2015 Visiting student at the UCLA Vision Lab (USA)
under the direction of Prof. Stefano Soatto
2010 - 2013 Bachelor Degree in Mathematics at the University of Pisa (Italy)
Thesis: Steenrod squares
Supervisor: Dr. Filippo Callegaro
Some past events